Author: Jiro Taniguchi
Title: Min fjerne barndoms by
Year: 2015
Original title and year: Harukana machi-e, 2004
Genre: Graphic novel
Pages: 405
In five words:
Family, regret, youth, second chance.
A quote:
"Forvirret og rådvill ble jeg stående og se meg omkring i en barndoms by jeg hadde trodd var tapt for alltid."
"Confused and bewildered, I stood looking around at a childhood's city I thought was lost for ever."
And because this is a graphic novel, another quote in context with the pictures.
Why did I read this book?
Graphic novels have never really been my thing. But this summer I picked up another one of Taniguchi's graphic novels, and was deeply moved by the story he told, both through the words and the beautiful drawings that convey a lot of emotion. So when I had this one in my hands to add it to the library catalogue, I could hardly wait for it to go through the system so I could check it out and enjoy it.
Why should you read this book?
If you like books by Haruki Murakami, this one will resonate with you as well. There is the obvious Japanese connection, but the magic realism in the story is also a common thread in their story-telling. I am so glad I have discovered graphic novels - there is so much more diversity than I thought! I suggest you give it a chance if you haven't already.
Books like this one:
Taniguchi's My father's diary is also translated into Norwegian, and is similar in both style and theme. I think this one is my favorite, but I will gladly recommend both of them.
For the curious ones:
- Buy the book in Norwegian.
- More about the author.
PS. This was my first attempt of a book recommendation column on the blog. The format is still in beta-mode I guess, while trying to find a template I can easily work with. I am very happy to receive comments on these posts. Maybe you have read the book?
Supert med bok-innlegg :) Likar Murakami, kanskje eg skal prva meg på denne!