Thursday, April 10, 2014

Wedding dress update

You might know that I am working on tweaking my wedding dress, so I thought I would come with an update, perhaps only for especially interested crafters. No pictures, but I guess you will be understanding considering the subject.

The extra slip I bought needed a small change in the back to match the dress perfectly. With slippy silk, that took a little longer than anticipated, but turned out very well in the end. Hand-basting is the key here.

The dress was basically two separate dresses, one in a lace fabric, and one a lining/slip. Since I had to take both of them in, it seemed just as easy to make them into one dress with interfacing instead of the two original ones. After careful investigation and research (see blogs with tutorials here and here...) for the dress itself, I decided to rip open a lot of seams and do this thoroughly. What is implied here is that I normally don´t follow all these careful steps, being a lot more careless with my restyled thrift store finds like this skirt.

The next step was basting the lining to the dress by hand. No risks taken here. After trying it on, then more basting and needles and fittings, I could finally sew some stitches on the sewing machine. Now the bodice fits me, almost like a glove, and I am one step closer to a wearable wedding dress. I am optimistic to this project and look forward to continue working on it.

Tomorrow morning we are off for our Easter holiday in Ålesund and Bergen. There will be lots of wedding planning, and I look forward to seeing friends and family. Especially little Øyvind, who called today and said his first words to me: "hello" and "aunt"! Too precious.

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