Hanging planters are back folks! At least if you ask the bloggers and people I follow on pinterest. The idea started to grow on me, so last weekend I went to the biggest thrift store in town,
Skrot Tor. The owner, Tor, has a huge warehouse full of "skrot" (trash), and if you are good at searching, you can find some real treasures, and he gives great prices too.
He probably had hundreds of planters, but few suitable for hanging, and none of the kind that I liked. I was set on getting one though, and settled for a nicely shaped planter in colors I disliked. I don´t have a before picture, but just try to imagine it wasn´t the prettiest. Once home (or a few days later), I spray-painted it with paint I already had, replaced the broken twine and hung it in my kitchen window. Cute or what?
Har hatt ampel lenge eg, er visst moderne eg då ;-)