Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Dark, brown soil. Bright, yellow flowers.

This spring I am trying again to make a garden. Last years attempts failed miserably, and I blame it on the scaffolding that stole all the sunlight. Not a bad excuse actually.

Now I have tiny little sprouts of basil and cilantro stretching for the light, I bought my first "verandakasse" (hanging flower box for the balcony) and enjoy the sight of my little outdoor room now that it is finally coming together. All in all, I am starting to like this whole plant and garden hobby, and I hope I can develop greener thumbs as I go.

On a stop shop note, the balcony is not included in that project, even though the rules say nothing about it. I had plans of decorating it this spring, and this is the first time I can really start using it since I moved in two years ago. I have plans to get pillows to sit on, and perhaps some lights as well.

1 comment:

  1. Så stolt av deg Ragnhild! Dette vert bra :-) Håpar eg ein gong får anledning til å kome på besøk. Hage er ein basill, eg har kronisk hagebetennelse.


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