Wednesday, March 13, 2013

A year of crayons and water-colors

YWAM Norway publishes the mission magazine "Mot Målet" five times a year. I am one of the contributers, and in this issue you can read my article "Eit år med fargestiftar tell", about Jan Willem, a Dutch illustrator who kept a drawing diary for a year.

There are many other great articles too, and good photos if you can´t read Norwegian. This is the first issue available online, and you can also get a free subscription to your mailbox by signing up here. 


  1. Det har vært en fryd å følge bloggen til Jan Willem i 2012 ! Utrolig stilige tegninger!

  2. Thank you for following the blog, It has given me an extra drive to know that someone wants to see and read the entries all the time.
    The picture-making will continue this year too, with fewer pictures.
    The last year has made me more aware of who I am, to myself and to God.
    I am still thinking about things I have learned that year.
    It sounds like the end of a rock-concert, but thank you for being such a great and patient audience, all of you!


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