Wednesday, January 2, 2013

I resolve to...

Ashley G´s resolution for 2013.

So, now I´ve told you my resolution. 
Do you have any this year? 

I was in the city to meet a friend today, and had to pass scores of stores with amazing sales. I tried to look away, and thought about how limited a trip in the city is when shopping is excluded! A nice cup of chai and a few hours of talk was great though, and no shopping was needed at all. 

PS. More inspirational and pretty resolutions over at Design Sponge.


  1. Du er flink Ragnhild!

    Eg har mange trivselsmål (psykologisk effekt å kalle det noko anna). Det første er å drikke nok vatn. Eg skal ta eit steg om gongen, tenkte eg.

    Godt nytt år til deg og Mike. Kjekt å helse på dokke i desember.

    1. Trivselsmål hørtes veldig fint ut eigentleg! Lykke til :)
      Godt nyttår til deg og!


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