Sunday, December 4, 2011

ReStyle Sunday: Sister Winter Chair

I hope this lives up to the expectations I have built up, haha.

Before: This chair was ugly, and I dont understand how I let it stay in my living room for so long... I had good intentions, but all I did was to hang a blanket over it for some of the time, and that sure didnt hide the small (big) imperfections.

After covering a stool with some thrifted wool fabric I looked over at this chair and wondered if I could manage to give that one a makeover too. I thought about it for a couple of days, measured the fabric and thought I would have just about enough of it, and one day I jumped into it, head first.

I think I was a little surprised by how complicated it was, and I had to dig in drawers for various tools to tackle screws and nails.

Armed with staples, nails and a needle and thread it started to come together - piece for piece, corner by corner. And many hours and some blisters later, this was the result.

After: Wintery, white and pretty, she looks a whole lot prettier, dont you think?


  1. ja, kjempefin! så flinke du e Ragnhild!

  2. Wow den vart kjempe flott! Ingenting så tilfredsstillende som et ferdigstilt vellykka prosjekt.

  3. Flink du er! Er du den nye onkel Arnvid kanskje? Du kan sikkert ringe han om tips, om han huskar kunstene sine då...

    Eg har ein gyselig fløyelsgrøn sofa oppe på loftet, berre til å ta turen :-)

  4. Tusen takk jenter :) Spørs om ej tør å gå i gang på en sofa Torill. Hadde heilt glømt at han onkel kunne slikt, ej får ta mej en prat med han!

  5. Den ble kjempefin Ragnhild. Du er skikkelig gjennomført i stilen din:) Kan tenke meg det var en tidkrevende jobb.

  6. the chair looks beautiful. What a difference and sure fits the winter season. Keep making beautiful things

  7. Tuva: Ja, det tok si tid...
    And thanks stranger :)

  8. killer chair. i like to sit in it and look at it. it's almost soft enough to snuggle in bed.


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