Thursday, September 16, 2010


I want to recommend the blog of a 1000 awesome things. If you havent checked it out yet, you should. The posts bring a smile to my face, like

#432 When the crosswalk changes to walk just as you approach it

especially on a bike.

And todays 

#416 When you try cooking something new and everyone likes it

Dinner today was quite okay, but I was the only one eating it, so noone asked for the recipe. But I thought these little somethings were too cute not to share. I found them at Asia mat and I am not sure what they are. Peas? Beans?  This was after I took them out of their shells (who didnt taste too bad either, so I saved them for a rainy day) and steamed them with some butter. Love the color, love the freshness, love vegetables. I got to make up for all that sugar you know...

Veg out! 


  1. Et du so mykje sukker du da? Disse såg ut som "jellybeans" (litt sikker på stavinga).

    Du he virkelig fått fart på kokinga, kjekt å lage mat, særleg med venna på besøk som samtidig hjelpe til.

  2. Så morsomt med 1000awesome things, måtte smile litt jeg også. Likte for eksempel 959: planning for snoozes (!), og 519: hanging out with your mum :)

    Liker bloggen din!

  3. i believe they're lima beans. or maybe they're some weird norwegian food, but they look like lima beans to me. and were they in a shell, or a pod?

  4. They do look a little like jelly beans!
    And they were not in shells, they were in pods, so I think you are right about the lima beans Danny. Sometimes I wish I had a farm where I could grow green stuff...
    Minda: 1000 awesome things is generally pretty awesome :) There is a book too, which would be fun to have.

  5. i'm going to weigh in with my guess... edamame! or otherwise known as soy beans. were the pods a little hairy? if so, probably edamame. it's pretty tasty stuff.

  6. Im sorry Kelsey, the pods were not hairy (otherwise I dont think I would have eaten them too...) so Im guessing lima beans.


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