Some days ago, someone said my hobby was blogging. If you have come by here the last weeks/months, it probably wouldn´t seem like a hobby I enjoyed very much. I think my lack of posting is mostly due to the nice summer weather that has lasted so long, plus the fact that my camera cord got permanently lost on the way from Denver to Atlanta. Also, fall has typically been a much better blogging time for me, so I hope to be back on track soon. Now that Im engaged(!), I might even write about wedding stuff!
But first I am off to Tallinn, Estonia with YWAM Skien for a fun staff trip. I look forward to wander the old city, meet old friends and getting to know my coworkers better. The pictures above are from my trip to Tallinn some cold days in March earlier this year. I have a feeling I will like it even better this time. Any recommendations for things to do and see while Im there?
Sommar er ikkje tida for bloggin hjå meg heller. Sjølv om det er då det skjer mest. I Tallinn må jo du sjå gamlebyen. Elles er eg ikkje kjent der. Var på klassetur til Tartu. Billig å ete ute og klede og sko var rimeligare og. God tur