Moving chaos in 2011. |
I decided to join Apartment Therapy´s January Cure rather late, but now I am deep into it, and loving it. The cure is a month devoted to cleaning, organizing and improving your home, with a project or task for each day. What I needed some encouragement with, was mostly deep cleaning some areas (especially those kitchen cabinets) and organizing my spare room. Don´t worry, my apartment is not in the state of the picture above, or even near that, but who does not need a good cleaning once in a while?
So far I am quite inspired. I have made lists for things that needs to be done around the house (not all will happen in a month, and thats okay), organized and decluttered my books, rearranged my living room, and started cleaning in all those crafting supplies. While cleaning, I have found some clothes that I will donate, and some vintage, fun items I will try to sell online. Check it out if you´d like.
For books and media I will host a book swap/book sale next week where people can bring their own books and we can benefit from what others have previously owned.
As you can imagine, there is lots of house stuff going on! I think my plans for living simply this year is affecting more and more areas, and it is fun.
Morsomt!! Hadde lyst å hive meg med også. Har rydda skapet på baset... Prøver å skvise inn bokbyttepartyet!!